
Age: from 10 years
From 3 to 6 players
Author: Shigehito Ohtsubo
Illustrator: Ivan Nikulin


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2 and half minutes to find the guilty party!

Work together to recreate the guilty description. Will you manage to arrest 5 culprits in time?

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2 and half minutes to find the guilty party!

Who smashed Masher? Who finished the roll of toilet paper?

5 rounds, 5 guilty parties… You are the witnesses!

Each time you will glimpse the guilty party for a mere few seconds… before finding out which parts of his face you will have to describe. Will you manage to memorize and transmit the information to your team mate correctly and quickly enough? Curly hair? Full beard? Arrest as many criminals as possible without making a mistake to try and win the game!

Work together and have fun!

Content : 54 cards, 1 sandtimer, 1 pen, 1 notepad and a rules leaflet


Please note: this game is in French.

Additional information

Weight 350 g

Shigehito Ohtsubo

Avez-vous bonne mémoire ? Savez-vous bien décrire ? Eh bien prêtez-vous au jeu du portrait-robot avec... PORTRAIT ROBOT ! Un jeu imagine par Shigehito Ohtsubo, un Japonais talentueux.

Ivan Nikulin

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Portrait robot jeu drôle
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Portrait robot jeu communication
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