
Age: from 14 years
From 4 to 50 players
Author: Sylvie Barc
Illustrator: Stivo


Group singing battle!

Look for parts of songs whose lyrics include the chosen word and sing them (even out of tune!).

SKU: SHA Categories: , , ,


Group singing battle!

How to play?

1- Divide the players into 2 teams and draw a card.
2- Look for parts of songs whose lyrics include the chosen word and sing them (even out of tune!).
3- Find more songs than the opposing team to win the battle!

For example, pick the card “Love” and sing:

She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah …

I’m in love with your body …

Love is all …

Play at the pub, on the highway (to hell), on a Friday night (when the lights are low), and even in on a (blue) Monday …

With 10 Challenge cards to make it even more fun!

Please note: this game is in French.

Additional information

Weight 300 g

Sylvie Barc

A prolific writer of role-playing games, children's games and ambient games since 1986, Sylvie loves country life. There's no need to worry about the neighbours when you're singing by the fire during long games of SHABADA!


Stivo se présente comme illustrateur, blogueur et auteur BD avec des trucs rigolos dedans... Il est l'homme qui a illustré le plus grand nombre de jeux de la gamme Cocktail Games, de Compatibility jusqu'à Mimtoo, mais aussi de jeux aussi dynamiques et fun que son style comme par exemple Jetlag, Happy Hour, Give me five...

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