Top Ten 18+

Age: from 18 years
From 4 to 9 players
Author: Aurélien Picolet


A fun co-op game!

For each theme (funny or surprising), each player has to invent a response. But the intensity of the answer has to correspond to his secret number. Then, if the Cap’ten puts the answers in the correct order, the team wins!

SKU: TOP18 Categories: ,


There are always 10 good reasons to say stupid things!

A fun, entertaining cooperative game!

For each theme, each player has to invent a response and say it. But the intensity of the answer has to correspond to his secret number, from 1 (in blue) to 10 (in pink). Then, if the Cap’ten puts the answers in the correct order, the team wins! Size doesn’t really matter, but there are 500 themes!

Example : Look honey, I brought condoms that taste like…”. Complete, from the worst to the best.


Sea salt caramel

Ash tray

Pineapple pizza…


This game is the adult version of the famous Top Ten! Same principle but hot themes!


Find a place to have sex in the room you’re in. From the least comfortable to the most comfortable.

The helicopter is dropping humanitarian aid packages. But Roger got mixed up: what’s in the boxes? From a disaster to a nice surprise.

You ate magic mushrooms. What do you see around you? From a little hallucination to the trip of the century.


Please note: this game is in French.

Additional information

Weight 600 g

Aurélien Picolet

A.Picolet - Top ten
I grew up in sunny Reunion Island, where I started studying medicine. But I stopped everything to follow one of my passions: video games! Then I left to do a master’s degree at ENJMIN in order to learn how to make them. It's there that meetings and friends made me discover the vast world of board games: it’s a new passion! I like party games, easy to play and for as many people as possible. Board games are perfect for that and I take great pleasure in imagining new concepts, alongside the creation of video games for mobiles.

Top ten 18+ jeu soiréeTop ten 18+ jeu adulte
Top ten 18+ jeu soirée
Top ten 18+ jeu soirée
Top ten 18+ jeu soirée
Top ten 18+ jeu soirée
Top ten 18+ jeu soirée
Top ten 18+ jeu soirée
top ten 18+ jeu soirée
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