Be wary of your best friends! You are off to a family get together, you are organising a weekend away with your friends... And how about adding to the atmosphere by getting these lovely people to kill each other? Each person participating is assigned a mission and a target by the organiser and the organiser gets ready to count the dead … As soon as shooter completes his mission he takes the unfortunate deceased's mission and target. At the end of the game the most successful serial killer and the last man standing will reap their rewards!
Special Building card "The Golden Gate of Kiev, with the statue of Yaroslav the Wise", created in solidarity with Ukraine. This unique bonus card is a card for the HAPPY CITY game, allowing you to build your Happy City with a building that will help people in real life. ALL the money raised will go to the INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS COMMITTEE - CRISIS IN UKRAINE (icrc.org/fr/don/crise-en-ukraine).